Summer is in full swing and planning your landscape and garden for the summer season can be a bit daunting with so much to choose from. Summer flowers for your garden provide a beautiful aesthetic, rich perfumed smells, and blooms for clipping to use inside your home. Mansell Landscape Management has extensive knowledge of the perfect summer flowers and can help you design your landscape for a beautiful summer garden.
The 6 Best Summer Flowers For Your Garden
#1 Lantana

Lantana is a perennial flowering plant that comes in a variety of colors. They love direct sunlight and grow very rapidly, making them perfect for a summer garden or landscape. Perennials last over the winter season and come back each year, so you only have to plant your Lantana once.
#2 Succulents
Succulents are beautiful cactus-like plants that come in an array of shapes, sizes, and structures. Some are flowering but all look incredible in hot climate landscaping and gardens. Succulents love hot air and sunlight and are resilient to drought conditions as they store water in their leaves. They do not fare well in freezing temperatures and need to be covered over moved indoors before the first fall freeze.
#3 Lavender
Lavender is a beautiful plant that produces vibrant tiny purple buds on top of its long stalks. Lavender has been known to help with sleep and the flowers can be picked and dried to make sachet bags for under your pillow or in clothes drawers for a lovely smell and aroma.
#4 Cuphea
Cuphea originates in Mexico and is also heat and drought tolerant. They produce a fiery red flower in the shape of a skinny bell. Their nectar attracts hummingbirds and they are brilliant for any garden or landscape in the south.
#5 Peony
Peonies can bloom for decades with the right care and maintenance. They produce large, fragrant flowers that are perfect for vases in your home. They love full sun and are perennials.
#6 Chrysanthemum
Also known as “mums” these beauties will flower in spring, summer, and fall. They come in a variety of colors and shapes and look fantastic planted in pots, in gardens, or in landscaped areas.
Professional Landscape and Garden Design In Atlanta, GA
At Mansell Landscape Management, we know landscape from the inside out. Our formal background is in landscape architecture and horticulture, so we understand landscape from a multi-dimensional perspective. Our background gives us the leverage and uniqueness to create guaranteed, custom solutions for lawn care and landscape. Are you ready to transform your yard? Call us today at 770-517-0555 or contact us online to get started.